CFS-1000 Cartridge Filling Machine

The CFS-1000 cartridge filling machine fills up to 1,200 devices per hour. Just place the device in position and the machine will automatically raise, fill and then bring the device back down.

  • Oils it can deliver: All Types, Distillate, CO2, CBD, CO2 Infused, etc.
  • Devices it can fill: All “Top Fill” types of Cartridges, Pens, Disposables, Pods, Syringes, etc.
  • Delivery Volume Range: Unlimited. Settable by pump head angle adjustment and number of pump revolutions.
  • Vessel Volume 843 grams.
  • Filling Accuracy: +/- 1%.
  • Power Requirements: 110V AC 10A
  • Shipping Weight 27lbs
CFS-1000 Filling Machine